A Dream of a Generation Poetry Exchange


Poem by Tia, Grade 5, Notre-Dame de Jamhour (NDJ) school


The “Dream of a Generation Poetry Exchange” project unites students from diverse backgrounds through art and language. The project involves year five students from Christchurch Primary School, London and Notre-Dame de Jamhour (NDJ) in Beirut. Students have participated in poetry writing workshops where they were invited to explore and express their dreams and create poems around the theme of a place that is meaningful to them.

Translations of selected poems will be shared and the poems will be showcased at school events, fostering cultural exchange and encouraging students to appreciate the richness of our interconnected world.

The project follows on from the Dream of Generation photography project involving students from University College School (UCS) in London, and Notre Notre-Dame de Jamhour (NDJ). Posters displaying the poems, illustrated by artwork from the original project, will be displayed at special events at both schools.

Selected Poems



By Claire, Christchurch Primary School

Home is...
Watching a gnarled tree proudly display its luscious emerald leaves, Feeling emotion rush out as I dig up my memories,
Seeing ruby berries scatted on the cold grey street,
And feeling golden rays shining, warming the floor with their gentle heat.

Home is …
Ochre coloured bricks, encrusted with cobwebs, which tower
up to the sky,
Wandering winds announcing their arrival with a gentle sigh,
An orchestra of early-birds singing to mark the beginning of the day
And morning frost covering windows before the sun chases it away.

Home is …
Hearing the steady pitter-patter of gloomy rain,
A gentle glow from the sky, revealing the silver moon,
The rumble of a shiny car, breaking the silence of night,
Laughing with friends as the ball of gold disappears from sight.

Siblings partying,
Neighbours frolicking,
That …
Is home.


Beirut, The City of Light

by Alexia, NDJ

In Beirut, where sunsets paint the sky
And children’s laughter soars so high
Where streets are crowded, full of cheer
With the loving people who know no fear

The sea, the mountains, both so near
In Beirut, beauty is always here
From sunrise to sunset’s grace
The city’s charm, no one can replace

So here’s to you, dear Beirut,
City of Light
In every corner, you shine,
Both in the day and the night
So we dream and do never fear,
In Beirut, the magic is always near


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